
Dentist in Edmonton | Dental Implant Complications

Dr. Peter Yoo is the founding owner and operator of The Tooth Doctor. He has always felt called to help others in some way with his skills and gifts. After growing up in Edmonton he knew this was the city to do that. After becoming a dentist, he gained experience collaborating with other reputable dentists and then started his own clinic. In fact, he opened three clinics to serve the community by providing excellent and innovative dental care.

Dental Implant Complications

It is his mission to help as many families as possible to save as many teeth as possible for as long as possible for as cheap as possible. Dr. Yoo has gained a reputation of being a top trusted dentist in the city of Edmonton and rural community of Tofield.

Did you know a dental implant is the closest replacement to a natural tooth? Let’s face it, over time we wear down the things we use the most and teeth are no exception. As we age so do our teeth and things deteriorate or at the very least change on a yearly basis. We do not always see the changes, and this is a call to remind you that seeing your dentist regularly is ultra important to make sure all things are healthy when it comes to your teeth.

Important reasons to have a dental implant

Previously we addressed all the important reasons to have a dental implant after facing the loss of a tooth. We gave ten good reasons to choose this treatment and the benefits you would find. At the end of the article, we even mentioned the statistic that a dental implant is 90-95% successful, but what happens when you have complications after having one? Do you know that for which to watch? As always it is crucial to visit the dentist immediately if something is feeling off in addition to having routine checkups.

Most common dental implant complications

Some of the most common dental implant complications are loosening implant, infection, bleeding, micro-movement, allergic reaction, nerve damage, and protrusion into the nasal cavity. These issues are not common and only affect 5-10% of dental implant procedures. They can occur immediately and all the way down the line to years later. Improper planning and irregular checkups are the main culprits that cause this.

Infection at the implant sight is one of the common problems when it comes to implant failures. There are two ways to secure the implant into the bone. One is with a screw and the other cement. When it comes to using cement, it can ooze over the edges and get down below into the gums if it is not cleaned properly. This leads to problems with infection starting.

Dr. Yoo plans ahead

Understandably this comes down to poor planning with preparing for the implant. This is just one reason Dr. Yoo uses screws on almost every implant he inserts. As said earlier, having regular checkups after treatment is as important as meticulously planning when installing the implant. Infection is not always easy to spot at first. The dentist is the best resource to check for signs.

Some things to keep in mind about implants

There are some things to keep in mind and be doing routinely before you have a dental implant treatment. Proper dental hygiene is number one. Having your teeth cleaned and scaled professionally is imperative to having a successful dental implant procedure. Other things the dentist will look for is that the oral health of the patient is good. The pockets of the teeth and gums must be in good shape to allow the patient to be a good candidate.

For a successful outcome the gum tissue needs to be in good health so that it heals properly and quickly. An interesting and sobering fact is that someone who smokes or has untreated diabetes does not make a suitable candidate for this procedure due to these conditions causing the healing rate to drastically drop. Once the implant is in place and the healing is finished it is much less of an issue.

Stop an infection early

To keep an infection from starting after you have had a dental implant placed it is important to practice good oral hygiene. If you clean your teeth regularly by brushing twice a day, flossing once a day, and using mouthwash daily you can keep the bacteria in check, which will give less chance for anything detrimental to start up. Cleaning around the implant even while it is healing is very important. For the gums to continue healing it is vital to keep the area clean. It is also important to come in every six months, initially, to have the site checked.

Bone loss is a common issue when it comes to dental implant longevity and success. When a patient experiences bone loss around the site of the implant and particularly the screw, the implant is affected. The screw has threads and as the bone diminishes those threads become exposed. The food debris, germs and bacteria can trap much easier in that area which becomes problematic to keep clean.

Be careful when biting with an implant

Having a dental implant come lose is a problem that some patients experience. This is caused by the bite. If you are putting too much pressure on the site when chewing the implant can loosen. This means it’s even more important to have your implant checked regularly. If the screw is loose, Dr. Yoo will take the implant and screw out, and then make sure everything looks good and clean.

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After that he will tighten the screw properly into place. The implant will be placed back on, and an x-ray will be taken to ensure everything is straight. Freezing is not necessary for this procedure, and it is a quick process.

You may be wondering if you are a good candidate for an implant. The best thing to do is to book a free consultation with The Tooth Doctor. Dr. Yoo will assess your needs and oral health to be sure you are able to sustain a successful implant. He will go over the plan with you and pricing at that time. If you are a risky candidate he may even refer you to a specialist who can help you.

Keep an eye out for Part 3!